

    Zobrazit obsah

Chart.js je bezplatná knihovna JavaScriptu pro vytváření grafů založených na HTML. Je to jedna z nejjednodušších vizualizačních knihoven pro JavaScript a přichází s mnoha vestavěnými typy grafů:

  • Bodový diagram

  • Spojnicový graf

  • Sloupcový graf

  • Koláčový graf

  • Koblihový graf

  • Bublinový graf

  • Plošný graf

  • Radarová mapa

  • Smíšený graf

Jak používat Chart.js?

1. Přidejte odkaz na poskytující síť CDN (Content Delivery Network):


2. Přidejte <canvas> na místo v HTML, kde chcete nakreslit graf:

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:700px"></canvas>

Prvek canvas musí mít jedinečné ID.

Typická syntaxe sloupcového grafu:

const myChart = new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "bar",
  data: {},
  options: {}

Typická syntaxe spojnicového grafu:

const myChart = new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {},
  options: {}

Sloupcové grafy

Zdrojový kód

const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
const barColors = ["red", "green","blue","orange","brown"];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "bar",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: barColors,
      data: yValues
  options: {...}

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
const barColors = ["red", "green","blue","orange","brown"];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "bar",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: barColors,
      data: yValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: "World Wine Production 2018"


Vybarvi pouze jeden pruh:

const barColors = ["blue"];

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
const barColors = ["blue"];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "bar",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: barColors,
      data: yValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    scales: {
      yAxes: [{
        ticks: {
          beginAtZero: true


Všechny pruhy stejné barvy:

const barColors ="red";

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
let barColors = "red";

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "bar",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: barColors,
      data: yValues
  options: {
    xlegend: {display: false},
    scales: {
      yAxes: [{
        ticks: {
          beginAtZero: true


Barevné odstíny:

const barColors = [

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
const barColors = [

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "bar",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: barColors,
      data: yValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    scales: {
      yAxes: [{
        ticks: {
          beginAtZero: true


Vodorovné pruhy

Stačí změnit typ z "bar" na "horizontalBar":

type: "horizontalBar",

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

var xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
var yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
var barColors = ["red", "green","blue","orange","brown"];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "horizontalBar",
  data: {
  labels: xValues,
  datasets: [{
    backgroundColor: barColors,
    data: yValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: "World Wine Production 2018"
    scales: {
      xAxes: [{ticks: {min: 10, max:60}}]


Koláčové grafy


new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "pie",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: barColors,
      data: yValues
  options: {
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: "World Wide Wine Production"

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
const barColors = [

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "pie",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: barColors,
      data: yValues
  options: {
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: "World Wide Wine Production 2018"


Koblihové grafy

Stačí změnit typ z „koláč“ na „donut“:

type: "doughnut";

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
const barColors = [

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "doughnut",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: barColors,
      data: yValues
  options: {
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: "World Wide Wine Production 2018"


Rozptylové pozemky

Ceny domu vs. velikost

Zdrojový kód

const xyValues = [
  {x:50, y:7},
  {x:60, y:8},
  {x:70, y:8},
  {x:80, y:9},
  {x:90, y:9},
  {x:100, y:9},
  {x:110, y:10},
  {x:120, y:11},
  {x:130, y:14},
  {x:140, y:14},
  {x:150, y:15}

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "scatter",
  data: {
    datasets: [{
      pointRadius: 4,
      pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,1)",
      data: xyValues

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:700px"></canvas>

const xyValues = [
  {x:50, y:7},
  {x:60, y:8},
  {x:70, y:8},
  {x:80, y:9},
  {x:90, y:9},
  {x:100, y:9},
  {x:110, y:10},
  {x:120, y:11},
  {x:130, y:14},
  {x:140, y:14},
  {x:150, y:15}

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "scatter",
  data: {
    datasets: [{
      pointRadius: 4,
      pointBackgroundColor: "rgb(0,0,255)",
      data: xyValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    scales: {
      xAxes: [{ticks: {min: 40, max:160}}],
      yAxes: [{ticks: {min: 6, max:16}}],


Spojnicové grafy

Ceny domu vs. velikost

Zdrojový kód

const xValues = [50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150];
const yValues = [7,8,8,9,9,9,10,11,14,14,15];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      borderColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)",
      data: yValues

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = [50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150];
const yValues = [7,8,8,9,9,9,10,11,14,14,15];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      fill: false,
      lineTension: 0,
      backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,1.0)",
      borderColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)",
      data: yValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    scales: {
      yAxes: [{ticks: {min: 6, max:16}}],


Pokud nastavíte borderColor na nulu, můžete čárový graf rozmístit:

borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = [50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150];
const yValues = [7,8,8,9,9,9,10,11,14,14,15];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      fill: false,
      lineTension: 0,
      backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,1)",
      borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
      data: yValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    scales: {
      yAxes: [{ticks: {min: 6, max:16}}],


Více řádků

Zdrojový kód

const xValues = [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      data: [860,1140,1060,1060,1070,1110,1330,2210,7830,2478],
      borderColor: "red",
      fill: false
      data: [1600,1700,1700,1900,2000,2700,4000,5000,6000,7000],
      borderColor: "green",
      fill: false
      data: [300,700,2000,5000,6000,4000,2000,1000,200,100],
      borderColor: "blue",
      fill: false
  options: {
    legend: {display: false}

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000];

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{ 
      data: [860,1140,1060,1060,1070,1110,1330,2210,7830,2478],
      borderColor: "red",
      fill: false
    }, { 
      data: [1600,1700,1700,1900,2000,2700,4000,5000,6000,7000],
      borderColor: "green",
      fill: false
    }, { 
      data: [300,700,2000,5000,6000,4000,2000,1000,200,100],
      borderColor: "blue",
      fill: false
  options: {
    legend: {display: false}

Lineární grafy

Zdrojový kód

const xValues = [];
const yValues = [];
generateData("x * 2 + 7", 0, 10, 0.5);

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      fill: false,
      pointRadius: 1,
      borderColor: "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)",
      data: yValues
  options: {...}

function generateData(value, i1, i2, step = 1) {
  for (let x = i1; x <= i2; x += step) {

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = [];
const yValues = [];
generateData("x * 2 + 7", 0, 10, 0.5);

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      fill: false,
      pointRadius: 1,
      borderColor: "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)",
      data: yValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: "y = x * 2 + 7",
      fontSize: 16
function generateData(value, i1, i2, step = 1) {
  for (let x = i1; x <= i2; x += step) {


Funkční grafy

Stejné jako lineární graf. Stačí změnit parametr(y) createData:

generateData("Math.sin(x)", 0, 10, 0.5);

Zkuste to sami →

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

const xValues = [];
const yValues = [];
generateData("Math.sin(x)", 0, 10, 0.5);

new Chart("myChart", {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: xValues,
    datasets: [{
      fill: false,
      pointRadius: 2,
      borderColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)",
      data: yValues
  options: {
    legend: {display: false},
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: "y = sin(x)",
      fontSize: 16
function generateData(value, i1, i2, step = 1) {
  for (let x = i1; x <= i2; x += step) {
